Christmas is one of the most isolating times of the year for people who are experiencing homelessness. This year a fifth of the world’s population will be spending Christmas in inadequate housing*.
Donate to the Homeless World Cup Festive Appeal and support us to end homelessness by creating a global community and change through the power of football.
Make supporting us your New Year's resolution
If you want to fundraise for the Homeless World Cup in any challenge you or a team are taking on, please use this link to create your own fundraising page and event you can share with family and friends.
If you want to make a donation directly to the Homeless World Cup please use this link to donate.
[*Source: UN Habitat: 1.6 billion or 20% of the world's population live in inadequate housing]
About us
Since 2003, we have reached more than 1.3 million people in every continent in the world.
Since the Homeless World Cup was established in 2003, over 80 nations from across the globe have brought teams to the tournament. Every player coming to the Homeless World Cup has overcome personal struggles to get there. At the Homeless World Cup, our players are celebrated as athletes and as inspirations to the next generation.
We want to continue inspiring people who are homeless to make positive changes in their lives while also changing people's perceptions of homelessness and the issues around it. Your donation helps to fund our tournament support our year-round work with our global Member Countries. We work with them to develop and grow so we can reach more people and continue to use football to transform lives.